BoincLogX v1.52


About BoincLogX

BoincLogX makes it possible to log and show information about your processed WUs. In addition to a general log file which supports all BOINC projects, it will create project specific log files with detailed information about the WUs and results of some projects like SETI@home, Einstein@Home and AstroPulse. Additionally, it can backup the most important files for later analyses.

You can use each software which supports CSV-files (comma separated value) to view the content of the log files, but I recommend my SETI@home-MapView, which can show the results graphically.

BoincLogX can monitor an unlimited number of BOINC clients in a windows or SAMBA network. It will show basic state information like current progress, cache status or time left for all BOINC projects and project specific state information (like Spikes, Gaussians, Pulses or Triplets for SETI@home-WUs) for some projects.

The overall view makes it possible to get an overview of all WUs which are currently in the caches of the monitored clients. You can see the time left for all projects and all clients and you'll be able to see the estimated finish time for all of your WUs regarding the current resource share and the clients activity fraction.







Download BoincLogX_Setup_v1.52.exe (726 KB)


Supported projects

Project State info Log file Project state
SETI@home Extended Extended Full running
Einstein@Home Extended Extended Full running Extended Basic Full running
BBC Climate Change Experiment Extended Basic Full running
Predictor@home Basic Basic Full running
LHC@home Basic Basic Full running
SZTAKI Desktop Grid Basic Basic Full running
Rosetta@home Basic Basic Full running
World Community Grid Basic Basic Full running
Seasonal Attribution Project Basic Basic Full running
SIMAP@Home Basic Basic Full running
uFluids Basic Basic Beta, account creation enabled Basic Basic Beta, account creation disabled
BURP Basic Basic Alpha, account creation enabled
PrimeGrid Basic Basic Alpha, account creation enabled
XtremLab Basic Basic Alpha, account creation enabled
Leiden Classical Basic Basic Alpha, account creation enabled
QMC@home Basic Basic Alpha, account creation enabled
HashClash Basic Basic Alpha, account creation enabled
TANPAKU Basic* Basic* Alpha, account creation enabled
Crash Collection Basic Basic Alpha, account creation enabled
Resource Measurement Basic* Basic* Alpha, account creation enabled
Pirates@Home Basic Basic Always alpha, account creation by invitation
Chess960@home Basic Basic Alpha, account creation disabled
AstroPulse Extended* Extended* Preparing for second beta run
Orbit@Home Basic* Basic* Preparing for alpha test
Folding@home Basic Basic Currently not running
Lattice Project Basic Basic Currently not running
BOINC GAMESS Basic* Basic* Currently not running
ALife@home Basic Basic Currently not running
All other BOINC projects Basic* Basic*  

Entries which are marked with a * are unconfirmed assumptions.


Setup BoincLogX

When you first start BoincLogX it will open the setup and lets you make the following settings:

BOINC client directories: Here you can specify where your BOINC clients are installed. If you want to monitor additional BOINC clients, click on "Add" and select the folder which contains your BOINC client.

Directory for log files: Here you'll have to select a folder where the log files (and if selected: the archive files) will be stored. You can select every folder you have, but I recommend creating a new empty directory for them. Don't use one of your BOINC directories as the log directory!

Notifications: Whenever the total processing time left for one client drops below the specified values, BoincLogX will enter yellow or red alert mode. The mode is indicated by the tray icon if colored tray notification is enabled or by playing the corresponding sound.

Sounds: BoincLogX can play a sound when a cache gets empty, a new WU has been downloaded or finished or when one of the clients gets into yellow or red alert mode. If the "play only once" option is activated the sound will be played only once when the corresponding state is entered instead of being played every time the monitoring interval has passed.

Instead of selecting wav files which will be played with your sound card, you can specify sound patterns which will be played with the internal speaker of the PC if you're using Win2k or WinXP.
Sound patterns are specified as follows: "Speaker:(Frequency1,Length1),(Frequency2,Length2),...,(FrequencyN,LengthN)".

Here are a few examples for valid sound patterns:

Monitoring interval: The monitoring interval is the time between two observations of the clients. I recommend to use half of the time selected for the BOINC "write to disk" interval.

Archive: BoincLogX can make archive copies of the most interesting files.

Additional options:



An overview about changes made since previous versions can be found here.



You can use BoincLogX without charge but you do it at your own risk.

Please visit the forum if you have any comments, suggestions or questions.